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  • 우디네극동영화제 캠퍼스 2015 안내
  • 2015.03.05   l  조회수 : 960

    이태리에서 매년 4월 열리는 유럽최대 아시아 영화제인 우디네 극동영화제 (Udine Far East FF)는 올 해 FEFF 캠퍼스에 응모할 30세 이하의 아시아 국적의 저널리스트를 모집한다. 자격 요건은 상급의 영작 및 영어 회화능력을 지닌 비디오 카메라 사용 유경험자로 관심있는 사람은 영문 이력서를 cec@cecudine.org 3 13()까지 보내면 된다. 합격자에게는 올 4 21일부터 5 2일까지 열리는 캠퍼스에 참가할 수 있는 자격과 함께 항공권과 숙박을 제공하며, 워크숍 참가 및 영화제 뉴스레터 제작에도 참여할 기회도 주어진다. 
    The 17th edition of the Far East Film Festival (23rd April – 2nd May 2015) in Udine, Italy, will for the first time host a campus for young journalists that will combine education and on-site experience with cultural exchanges between writers from Asia and Europe.

    Four candidates under the age of 30 will be selected from Europe and four from Asia for a programme that will include seminars, interviews and workshops focusing on both the art of film and the art of writing.

    Successful candidates will work under the supervision of and receive guidance from a host of experienced film industry and media professionals, led by film industry veteran Mathew Scott, while contributing to a festival newsletter and embracing all aspects of both the festival as well as the cultural and historic life of Udine and the Friuli–Venezia Giulia region.
    They will learn what makes the festival tick – the films, the talks, the people – while gaining an invaluable insight into how to establish themselves in the world of modern media.

    This unique opportunity will allow these young writers to experience the festival first-hand in a real-time newsroom that will feature all aspects of social and traditional media while they will also be expected to play an active role in what has become known across the globe as the Far East Film Festival community. 
    FEFF Campus 2015 has the privilege to be supported by important European and Asian associations and organizations, including Europa Cinemas and Hong Kong’s Foreign Correspondents’ Club (FCC).

    This announcement is aimed at any young Korean journalist who has a passion for cinema and wants to experience an important film festival first hand.
    Udine Far East Film Festival will take care of travel and hospitality costs and will arrange accommodation for the successful candidate. 

    This announcement is aimed at any young Korean journalist who has a passion for cinema and wants to experience an important film festival first hand.
    Udine Far East Film Festival will take care of travel and hospitality costs and will arrange accommodation for the successful candidate. 

    The selected candidate must be between 18 and 30 years of age and have an excellent command of both written and spoken English. He/she must ensure that he/she has a laptop to bring to Udine, and should also have experience with and know how to use video cameras.
    Dates: (21st April – 4th May 2015)
    The candidate will arrive in Udine on Tuesday 21st April and leave on Monday 4th May.
    The deadline for selection is Friday 13th March.

    If you are interested and think you are a suitable candidate for our Campus we kindly ask you to send your CV to:  
    We look forward to hearing from you!
    The Udine Far East Film Festival Team